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Algérie / مرد - 49 مرد / patlove

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- ارائه: We can be apart and it will be fine, but when we are together, we become something special. Every day spent together becomes brighter and richer, like a cup of delicious coffee with milk. Would you like to be a part of this perfect combination?

- منافع: I think if we will start to communicate we like each other. My man is smart, strong and independent. Caring, responsible and understanding. The one who puts the meaning in the concept of "my woman" not to own her but to be responsible for her. A bit of a philosopher. A man with a capital letter who is not afraid to show his real feelings. I want to say that I am looking for serious relationships and I’ll be very glad to meet my future partner for life here.

کوتاه: patlove

سن: 49

نوع: مرد

نشانی: Constantine, EL OUED, Algérie

تحصیلات: سطح دبیرستان

اشتغال: reading

وضعیت: جدا شده

قطع كردن: (154cm)

رنگ مو: بلوند

رنگ چشم: مشکی

نوع بدن: میانگین

دین: کاتولیک

سیگار کشیدن: غیرسیگاری

شراب بنوش: هرگز

بچه داشتن: نه

کودکان خواستن: آره

patlove, پژوهش

I think if we will start to communicate we like each other. My man is smart, strong and independent. Caring, responsible and understanding. The one who puts the meaning in the concept of "my woman" not to own her but to be responsible for her. A bit of a philosopher. A man with a capital letter who is not afraid to show his real feelings. I want to say that I am looking for serious relationships and I’ll be very glad to meet my future partner for life here.

به دنبال: زنان, از 75 به 40

هدف: عروسی

تحصیلات: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

وضعیت: Any

قطع كردن: از (154cm) به (190cm)

نوع بدن: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

دین: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

سیگار کشیدن: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

شراب بنوش: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم



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