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Germany / زنان - 39 زنان / Nicolezw

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- ارائه: i would call myself a very smiling person, with extreme black humor. I love to laugh, and make others laugh. Am also a very sensitive person. I have a heart of gold and will go through fire and water for those I love. And then I love a good movie and fun. However, take the chance and write to me. I am always fresh on getting to know new people. I love going out on the town with my friends. It will be a plus if you also think it's cool to walk in the city. Walks in town almost every weekend. Most of my friends are single. I thrive as a single, but would like to find someone with whom I can do different things. Cinema tours, dinner nights, movie nights and other activities. Maybe it can develop say to something more.

- منافع: sincerely looking for a good man, that has the fear of God A man who devotes his time for us, even if it's hard or easy you still feel him around. but would like to find someone with whom I can do different things

کوتاه: Nicolezw

سن: 39

نوع: زنان

نشانی: Berlin, Germany, Germany

تحصیلات: عمومی bac

اشتغال: gym

وضعیت: تنها

قطع كردن: (170cm)

رنگ مو: مشکی

رنگ چشم: مشکی

نوع بدن: میانگین

دین: کاتولیک

سیگار کشیدن: غیرسیگاری

شراب بنوش: هرگز

بچه داشتن: آره

کودکان خواستن: آره

Nicolezw, پژوهش

sincerely looking for a good man, that has the fear of God A man who devotes his time for us, even if it's hard or easy you still feel him around. but would like to find someone with whom I can do different things

به دنبال: مرد, از 37 به 75

هدف: عروسی

تحصیلات: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

وضعیت: Any

قطع كردن: از (154cm) به (190cm)

نوع بدن: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

دین: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

سیگار کشیدن: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم

شراب بنوش: من آن را برای خودم نگه می دارم



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نمایه های مشابه

88sarap (40 سن)
Germany, Germany